Budry Commune together with the Zanavykai Museum in Lithuania is implementing the project “On the road of culture and crafts – Sakiai – Budry”.

The project is implemented under the Interreg V-A Lithuania-Poland Cooperation Programme 2014-2020, under Priority 1 – Preserving and protecting the environment and promoting efficient management of resources, point. 1.1 Increasing sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage in tourism in the border area.

Total value of the project: 918 897,99 Euro, EU co-financing: 781 063,28 Euro

Project implementation period: 01.09.2020 – 31.08.2022

Project objectives:

The project consists in increasing the sustainable use of cultural and natural heritage in tourism in the cross-border area.

Its main objective is to protect the environment and support the efficient management of resources through the conservation, protection, promotion and development of cultural and natural heritage.

Project activities:

  • Revitalisation of the mill in Budry,
  • Revitalization and furnishing of the Craftsman’s House at the Zanavykai Museum
  • Developing educational programmes in both Polish and Lithuanian countries that take into account the craft techniques of both countries and organising handicraft workshops,
  • Development and designation of a tourist trail Budry – Sakai based on cultural heritage with signposting of cycle routes and creation of resting points,
  • Organizing joint Polish-Lithuanian cultural events and youth exchange.

Educational programs



Harvest wreath weaving workshop

Harvest wreath, or if you like – thanksgiving for a successful harvest. In Budry there were workshops of weaving such wreaths. The wreath made during these workshops will be presented during the commune and district harvest festival in Budry, which will take place on September 12.

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The mill is being renovated

In connection with the implementation of the project “On the way of crafts and culture of Šakiai-Budry, the Budry Commune together with the Zanavykai Museum in Lithuania conducts close cooperation, the effects of which can be followed, among others, by on our fanpage. In addition to joint activities of partners from Poland and Lithuania, renovation…

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First working meeting behind us

The first working meeting of the project “On the road of culture and crafts – Sakiai – Budry” management groups took place on 1-2 July. With the project partner group from Sakiai in Lithuania, headed by the director of Zanavykai Museum, important issues from the course of activities so far were discussed and details of…

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Mill revitalisation begins

The Mazurian Budry Commune is a perfect place for cycling tours, and the words “peace and quiet” could easily be its other name. What else is it famous for? In a few words, it is characterised by the mayor Józef Markiewicz – the commune has clean air and an ecological economy. But the commune is…

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Tourist attractions

Zabrost Wielki

Warto jest zajrzeć do miejscowości Zabrost Wielki – niezwykłej wsi historycznej, która w 2003 roku została laureatem konkursu na „Najlepiej zachowaną wieś historyczną Warmii i Mazur” w ramach ogłoszonego przez Stowarzyszenie Borussia projektu „Nowe życie pod starymi dachami”.


Skaliskie Forest

The remaining area of the Budry Commune is an astonishing, stunning in its wildness forest complex called Skaliskie Forest, which covers an area of 8700 ha.


The Węgorapa Valley

The majority of the commune area belongs to the “Wegorapa Valley”. The valley is crossed by the meandering Węgorapa and Gołdapa Rivers, which resembles a mountain river in some sections.


Church in Budry

An interesting architectonic building in the village is the single-nave church in Budry. Historical sources mention the establishment of a parish in Budy in 1724.


The Brożajcki Canal

The Brożajcki Canal connecting the Gołdapa River with the Węgorapa River was built as one of the sections for floating timber to the former Koenigsberg. It was designed in 1726 by Jan Suchodolec and dug in 1733.


Green Velo cycling route

With cyclists in mind, the East Green Velo Bicycle Route has been planned, linking 5 voivodeships of Eastern Poland. The longest cycling route in Poland is exactly 1980 km long.


Church in Olszewo Węgorzewskie

It was built together with a parsonage and an outbuilding between 1903 and 1905 and belonged to the Protestant parish. After the war it was taken over by Catholics as the church of the Elevation of the Holy Cross.


Cultural Mill

While visiting Budry, you should not miss the old, huge, 3-storey mill with mill equipment from the 18th century.
